My poems have appeared in various publications, including PN Review, Poetry London, PROTOTYPE, The Rialto, PAIN and Oxford Poetry. A Few Interiors was published by Carcanet in 2019. Near-Life Experience, my second collection, appeared in 2024.
A selection of poems available to read online:
Action, Spectacle - Near-Life Experience, Confirm Humanity and Poem with
Richard Diebenkorn -
Anthropocene - A Lull in the Birds, An Atlas and Under the Equalizing Night
bath magg - Landscape III, The Sunlight Falls Partly in a Cup and A Close Watch
Blackbox Manifold - Shattered in Fall, Hinge and The Incurables
Poetry London - Colonsay
Wild Court - Work of Forgetting
Reviews: The Observer, Blackbox Manifold, Poetry London
Interviews: The London Magazine (June 2024)